#### 引言
#### 1. **画龙点睛** – The Stroke of the Dragon\’s Eye
**Original Story**: 相传,在古代中国,有一位画家名叫张僧繇,擅长画龙。他在墙上画了一条栩栩如生的龙,但迟迟未给龙眼上色,声称“画龙点睛,则龙飞去”。众人不信,催促之下,他轻轻一提笔,给龙点上眼睛。瞬间,雷电交加,墙上的龙仿佛活了过来,直冲云霄。
**English Version**: Legend has it that in ancient China, there lived a painter named Zhang Sengyou, renowned for his mastery of drawing dragons. He painted a lifelike dragon on a wall but left out the eyes, saying, \”To add the eye to the dragon is to let it fly away.\” Skeptics pressed him, and with a mere stroke of his brush, he gave life to the dragon\’s eyes. Suddenly, lightning flashed, and the dragon seemed to come alive, soaring into the clouds.
#### 2. **井底之蛙** – The Frog in the Well
**Original Story**: 此成语讲述了一个青蛙住在井里,认为天空只有井口那么大。当另一只来自大海的龟告诉它世界的广阔时,青蛙才意识到自己视野的狭隘。
**English Version**: This idiom tells the story of a frog who lived in a well, believing that the sky was as vast as the井口. When a tortoise from the sea informed him of the world\’s vastness, the frog realized the limitations of its own perspective.
#### 3. **愚公移山** – The Foolish Old Man Who Moved Mountains
**Original Story**: 愚公为了出行方便,决定移开挡在家门口的两座大山。虽然任务艰巨,但他坚信只要子孙后代不懈努力,终能成功。天帝被其精神感动,派神帮助移山。
**English Version**: Yu Gong, an old man, determined to ease his family\’s travel, resolved to remove two mountains blocking their way. Though the task seemed insurmountable, he believed that with the unremitting efforts of future generations, success was attainable. Moved by his spirit, the God of Heaven sent deities to assist in moving the mountains.
#### 4. **望梅止渴** – Looking at Plums to Quench Thirst
**Original Story**: 三国时期,曹操率领军队行军途中,士兵们因口渴难耐。曹操骗他们说前方有梅林,想到酸甜可口的梅子,士兵们口中生津,暂时缓解了干渴。
**English Version**: During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao led his army through a journey where soldiers were plagued by thirst. Cao Cao deceived them by saying there was a plum orchard ahead. Imagining the sour-sweet taste of plums, the soldiers\’ mouths watered, temporarily easing their thirst.
#### 5. **对牛弹琴** – Playing the Lute for a Cow
**Original Story**: 比喻对不理解自己的人讲道理是徒劳的。古时有一位音乐家对着牛弹奏高雅的乐曲,期望能感动它,却不知牛根本无法理解音乐的内涵。
**English Version**: This idiom signifies the futility of reasoning with someone who cannot comprehend. In ancient times, a musician played elegant music for a cow, hoping to move it, unaware that the cow was incapable of understanding the music\’s depth.
#### 结语
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