
### 英文生日祝福语送朋友:生日祝福短信



#### 1. **经典而深情**

– \”Happy birthday to my dear friend! May this day be filled with joy and laughter, and may all your dreams come true. You\’re an inspiration to us all, and I\’m grateful for the time we\’ve shared. Here\’s to many more adventures together!\”

– \”On your special day, I wish you nothing but the best. May your heart be filled with love, your life with laughter, and your dreams with endless possibilities. Happy birthday!\”

#### 2. **幽默风趣**

– \”Happy birthday! Here\’s to another year of life lessons, from which you\’ll undoubtedly learn something new (hopefully it\’s how to cook a decent cup of coffee). May your cake be as tall as your achievements and your candles as bright as your smile. Enjoy your day!\”

– \”Happy birthday to the person who always manages to make our days a little bit brighter. Here\’s hoping this year brings you even more fun, adventure, and maybe even a few more grey hairs (in a good way). Cheers!\”

#### 3. **励志鼓舞**

– \”As you celebrate another milestone in your life\’s journey, remember that every year brings new opportunities to grow, learn, and achieve. Happy birthday! May this year be the one where you conquer your fears, embrace change, and live life to the fullest.\”

– \”Happy birthday to an incredible individual who never stops pushing boundaries. May this year bring you closer to your goals, more opportunities for self-discovery, and a lifetime of happiness. You\’ve got this!\”

#### 4. **浪漫温馨**

– \”On your birthday, I want to remind you that you are loved beyond measure. May this day be filled with all the sweetness and magic that makes life worth living. Happy birthday, my love!\”

– \”To my dearest friend, on your special day I wish for you a world of happiness, love that never fades, and dreams that keep on growing. Happy birthday, and here\’s to many more years of shared memories.\”

#### 5. **简洁而深刻**

– \”Simple words can\’t express the depth of my appreciation for who you are and all that you do. But here goes: Happy birthday! May this year bring you everything your heart desires.\”

– \”One year older, wiser, and more amazing than ever. Happy birthday! Cherish every moment, because you\’re living a story worth telling.\”

#### 6. **创意独特**

– \”Happy birthday to the star who lights up our world! May this year be filled with cosmic adventures, interstellar friendships, and galaxies of happiness. Cheers to another cosmic journey!\”

– \”Today is not just any day, it\’s your day! So grab life by the stars, chase your dreams with determination, and let nothing stand in your way. Happy birthday, and here\’s to an otherworldly year ahead!\”


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