
### 经典英文版朋友结婚祝福语大全



#### 1. **Love and Commitment**

\”May your love be as unwavering as the sea, deep as the ocean, and as timeless as eternity. As you embark on this journey together, may your hearts remain forever entwined in love and commitment.\”

#### 2. **Dreams Come True**

\”Today, two dreams intertwine, creating a future filled with hope and joy. May your days be blessed with love that grows stronger with each passing year, and may your nights be filled with dreams of endless happiness.\”

#### 3. **A Partnership of Equals**

\”In the beautiful tapestry of your lives, may you both be the equal threads, weaving a pattern of love, respect, and mutual understanding. Together, create a life that is more than the sum of its parts.\”

#### 4. **Journey of a Lifetime**

\”This is but the beginning of a lifetime journey, filled with adventures big and small, laughter and tears, but always with the guiding light of love. May your road be long and your love ever-growing.\”

#### 5. **Blessings Abound**

\”May the blessings of love, peace, and happiness surround you both at every turn. As you navigate life\’s ups and downs, may your bond only strengthen, becoming a testament to the power of unwavering devotion.\”

#### 6. **Ever-Growing Love**

\”Like a rose that blossoms with each passing season, may your love continue to grow and flourish. May it weather every storm, and in its aftermath, reveal a love even more radiant and pure.\”

#### 7. **A Union Unbroken**

\”In the tapestry of life, you two have woven a pattern that is both unique and beautiful. May this union be unbroken, its threads of love and devotion intertwining through the seasons to come.\”

#### 8. **The Courage to Dream**

\”With each other by your side, may you have the courage to dream big dreams and the strength to make them a reality. Together, conquer the world one heart at a time.\”

#### 9. **A Life Filled with Sunshine**

\”May your life together be filled with sunshine on rainy days, laughter in the midst of challenges, and love that illuminates every corner of your world. Together, illuminate the path ahead.\”

#### 10. **The Art of Living Together**

\”In the art of living together, may you discover harmony in differences, growth in shared experiences, and a deepening of your love as you navigate life\’s joys and sorrows hand in hand.\”

#### 11. **A Love Story for the Ages**

\”May your love story be one for the ages, filled with romance, humor, and a deep understanding that only true companions can achieve. Together, write chapters of happiness that resonate through time.\”

#### 12. **Through Thick and Thin**

\”In sickness and in health, in good times and bad, may you stand by each other\’s side, holding fast to the promises you make today. Through thick and thin, let your love be the glue that binds you together.\”

#### 13. **A Love That Endures**

\”May your love endure the test of time, growing richer with each passing year. As the years roll by, may your hearts remain as close as they are today, bound by an unbreakable bond of affection.\”

#### 14. **A Future Filled with Wonders**

\”Together, you open doors to a future filled with wonders yet unseen. May each day bring new adventures, each night new dreams, and always, at your core, a love that never fails.\”


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