#### 合同基本信息部分
1. **合同编号**:_____________
2. **签订日期**:_____________
3. **合同双方**:
– 卖方(供应商):_____________
– 买方(进口商):_____________
**English Version**:
1. **Contract No.**: _____________
2. **Date of Signing**: _____________
3. **Parties to the Contract**:
– Seller (Supplier): _____________
– Buyer (Importer): _____________
#### 货物描述部分
4. **商品名称及规格**:见附件A。
5. **数量**:本合同总供货量为_____________(单位)。
6. **单价与总价**:单价为每_____________(单位)_____________元(人民币)/美元/其他货币,合同总价共计_____________元(人民币)/美元/其他货币。
**English Version**:
4. **Description of Goods**: Refer to Annex A.
5. **Quantity**: The total quantity supplied under this contract is _____________ (unit).
6. **Unit Price and Total Price**: The unit price is _____________ Yuan (RMB)/USD/other currency per _____________ (unit), and the total contract price amounts to _____________ Yuan (RMB)/USD/other currency.
#### 付款条件与交货条款
7. **付款方式**:采用_____________(如信用证、电汇等)。
8. **付款期限**:买方应在收到货物后_____________天内支付全部款项。
9. **交货时间与地点**:货物应于_____________年_____________月_____________日前运抵_____________(目的地)。
**English Version**:
7. **Terms of Payment**: To be made by _____________ (e.g., L/C, T/T).
8. **Payment Deadline**: The buyer shall pay the full amount within _____________ days after receipt of the goods.
9. **Time and Place of Delivery**: The goods shall arrive at _____________ (destination) no later than _____________ month, _____________ year.
#### 质量保证与检验条款
10. **质量标准**:货物应符合附件B中规定的标准。
11. **检验**:在货物到达目的港后,由双方认可的第三方机构进行检验。如有质量问题,买方有权索赔。
**English Version**:
10. **Quality Standards**: The goods shall conform to the standards specified in Annex B.
11. **Inspection**: Upon arrival at the destination port, the goods shall be inspected by a third-party agency mutually agreed upon by both parties. In case of quality issues, the buyer reserves the right to claim compensation.
#### 违约责任与争议解决
12. **违约责任**:任何一方违反本合同条款,应赔偿对方因此遭受的所有损失。
13. **争议解决**:因执行本合同发生的任何争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成时,提交至合同签订地有管辖权的人民法院诉讼解决。
**English Version**:
12. **Liability for Breach**: Either party in breach of any provision hereof shall indemnify the other party for all losses incurred thereby.
13. **Dispute Resolution**: Any dispute arising from or in connection with this contract shall first be resolved through friendly negotiation; if no agreement can be reached, the dispute shall be submitted to the people\’s court with jurisdiction at the place where the contract was signed for litigation.
#### 其他条款(根据实际情况添加)
– 不可抗力条款:因不可抗力导致无法履行合同或延迟履行时,受影响方应及时通知对方,并在合理期限内提供证明。
– 保密条款:双方应对因签订及履行本合同而知悉的对方商业秘密保密。
– 合同的修改与终止:本合同的任何修改或补充均需以书面形式作出,并经双方签字盖章确认;合同任一方可在提前_____________天书面通知对方的情况下终止合同。
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