
### 考研英语作文:推荐信



#### 一、推荐信的基本结构


1. **开头**:介绍自己与被推荐人的关系,以及写信的目的。

2. **主体**:详细描述被推荐人的优点、成就和特长,提供具体事例。

3. **结尾**:总结推荐理由,表达对被推荐人的信心,并附上联系方式。

#### 二、开头部分的写作技巧


– \”I am writing to recommend my student, [Name], for your [Program/Position].\”

– \”It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for [Name].\”

– \”I am delighted to recommend [Name] for admission to your esteemed [Program/University].\”

#### 三、主体部分的写作技巧


1. **学术能力**:

– \”Throughout his/her academic career, [Name] has consistently demonstrated exceptional academic abilities.\”

– \”[Name] has a keen analytical mind and excels in problem-solving.\”

2. **领导能力**:

– \”[Name] has shown remarkable leadership skills, leading several successful projects.\”

– \”His/Her ability to motivate and inspire others is truly commendable.\”

3. **团队合作能力**:

– \”[Name] is an excellent team player, always willing to collaborate and contribute.\”

– \”He/She has a knack for fostering a positive and productive team environment.\”

4. **个人品质**:

– \”[Name] is highly disciplined and dedicated, always going the extra mile to achieve his/her goals.\”

– \”His/Her integrity and honesty are qualities that set him/her apart.\”

#### 四、结尾部分的写作技巧


– \”I am confident that [Name] will be a valuable addition to your [Program/University].\”

– \”Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.\”

– \”I highly recommend [Name] and am certain that he/she will excel in your [Program/Position].\”

#### 五、推荐信示例


**To the Admissions Committee,**

I am writing to recommend my student, Li Hua, for admission to your esteemed Master\’s program in Computer Science. As Li Hua\’s academic advisor for the past three years, I have had the pleasure of witnessing his exceptional growth both academically and personally.

Throughout his undergraduate studies, Li Hua has consistently demonstrated outstanding academic abilities. He has maintained a top GPA in his class and has excelled in all his courses, particularly in areas such as algorithms, data structures, and artificial intelligence. His final year project on machine learning applications in healthcare received high praise from the faculty and was even published in a renowned academic journal.

Apart from his academic prowess, Li Hua has shown remarkable leadership skills. He served as the president of the Computer Science Club, where he organized several successful workshops and seminars. Under his leadership, the club\’s membership doubled, and its activities significantly enhanced the learning experience for many students. His ability to motivate and inspire others is truly commendable.

Li Hua is also an excellent team player. During a group project on developing a mobile application, he not only contributed his technical expertise but also ensured that all team members were actively involved and their ideas were valued. His collaborative spirit and ability to foster a positive team environment were instrumental in the project\’s success.

In terms of personal qualities, Li Hua is highly disciplined and dedicated. He consistently goes the extra mile to achieve his goals, whether it is staying late in the lab to perfect a code or volunteering to tutor younger students. His integrity and honesty are qualities that set him apart and have earned him the respect of both peers and faculty.

I am confident that Li Hua will be a valuable addition to your Master\’s program. His strong academic background, leadership abilities, and exceptional personal qualities make him an ideal candidate for advanced studies. I have no doubt that he will excel in your program and contribute positively to your academic community.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. I highly recommend Li Hua and am certain that he will make the most of the opportunities provided by your esteemed institution.


[Your Name]

[Your Position] 𝓐𝑰𝐱𝓩𝗓𝓢.𝑐𝗢𝑴

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Institution]

#### 六、写作注意事项

1. **真实性**:确保推荐信内容真实可信,避免夸大其词。

2. **具体性**:提供具体事例来支持你的描述,使推荐信更具说服力。

3. **语言规范**:使用正式、规范的语言,避免口语化表达。

4. **结构清晰**:保持文章结构清晰,逻辑连贯。



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