#### 1. **《灰姑娘》(Cinderella)**
Once upon a time there was a girl who had to do all the work of the house and look after her two stepsisters. She was always called Cinderella, for she was covered with soot and ashes from doing the work.
One day, when she was setting the fire in the kitchen, there came a tapping at the window. It was her mother in a white cloak, and behind her were two lighted tapers. \”Cinderella,\” she said, \”I want to go to the ball that the King is giving tonight; help me to get ready.\”
After the ball, Cinderella went home, and when she reached her little room, she found the stepsisters and their mother waiting for her. \”Now we must see what you have in your bag,\” they said. \”We must see if you have really been to the ball.\” So they took everything out of the bag and found only a pumpkin, a few mice, and a beautiful dress.
#### 2. **《睡美人》(Sleeping Beauty)**
Once upon a time there was a king and queen who were childless. They prayed for a child, and their wish was granted, and the queen gave birth to a daughter. All the fairies in the land were invited to a christening to bless the child, but one fairy was left out because she could not come. This fairy vowed revenge.
The fairy spoke her curse: \”The princess shall prick her finger with the spindle and fall into a deep sleep for one hundred years.\” But then she added, \”A kiss from the spindle or from anything else will wake her up again.\”
When the prince found the palace and saw the sleeping princess, he kissed her. The curse was broken, and she woke up.
#### 3. **《小红帽》(Little Red Riding Hood)**
Once upon a time there was a little girl who was called Little Red Riding Hood because she had a red cap. She lived in a village with her mother, who made her a beautiful dress every year for her birthday. One day her mother said to her, \”Take this basket to your grandmother, and put some of these cakes and some of this wine in it.\” Little Red Riding Hood went through the wood, where there was a wolf. The wolf saw Little Red Riding Hood and said to himself, \”I will catch you and eat you with your grandmother.\”
The wolf went into the grandmother\’s bed and waited for Little Red Riding Hood. When she came in, he caught her and ate her up. Then he lay down in her bed and fell asleep with his belly full. After a short time the huntsman came to the grandmother\’s house and saw the wolf lying in bed. He cut open his belly, and out came Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. They both went away into the wood together.
### 结语
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