





1. 表明写作意图:推荐某人担任某职位或参与某活动。

2. 介绍被推荐人的情况:能力、性格、成就等。

3. 总结说明被推荐人值得推荐。


Dear [收信人姓名],

It affords me much pleasure to recommend [被推荐人姓名] to you. During his/her graduate years, he/she was my [关系,如classmate, colleague, supervisor等]. As his/her [关系],I found him/her to be an outstanding individual with exceptional skills and qualities.


His/Her performance in [相关领域或工作] was outstanding. First, he/she has a strong academic background and excellent practical skills. In addition, he/she has a pleasant personality and is cooperative with colleagues. He/She has demonstrated leadership abilities and has been actively involved in various [活动或项目].

Therefore, I have no reservation in recommending [被推荐人姓名] for [职位或活动]. I am confident that he/she will be a valuable asset to your team.

Yours sincerely,




1. 表明写作意图:推荐一本值得阅读的书籍。

2. 介绍书籍内容与价值:主题、情节、启示等。

3. 总结说明推荐原因。


Dear [收信人姓名],

I am writing to you to recommend a book that I believe will be of great interest to you. The book is titled [书名] and it is written by [作者]. I have sufficient reasons to introduce this book to you and I dare say this is the best I have ever read.

The book revolves around the theme of [主题]. What is more, the plot is engaging and the characters are well-developed. The descriptions of the settings are vivid and captivating. Finally, this book will definitely change our perspective on [相关话题] and provide us with valuable insights.

Therefore, I don\’t hesitate to recommend this book to you. I am sure you will enjoy it and find it thought-provoking.

Yours sincerely,




1. 表明写作意图:推荐一部值得观看的电影。

2. 介绍电影内容与价值:主题、情节、启示等。

3. 总结说明推荐原因。


Dear [收信人姓名],

I am writing to you to recommend a movie that I believe will be a delightful experience for you. The movie is titled [电影名] and it is directed by [导演]. I have sufficient reasons to introduce this movie to you and I dare say this is the best I have ever seen.

The movie is set in [地点] and revolves around the theme of [主题]. What is more, the plot is engaging and the cinematography is stunning. The performances of the actors are exceptional, making the characters come to life. Finally, this movie will definitely change our attitude toward this world and the people around us.

Therefore, I don\’t hesitate to recommend this movie to you. I am sure you will enjoy it and find it thought-provoking.

Yours sincerely,




1. 表明写作意图:推荐一个值得一游的旅游地点。

2. 介绍地点特色与价值:地理位置、景点、文化等。

3. 总结说明推荐原因。


Dear [收信人姓名],

I am writing to you to recommend a travel destination that I believe will offer you an unforgettable experience. The place is [地点名] and it is located in [地理位置]. I have sufficient reasons to introduce this destination to you and I dare say this is one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited.

[地点名] is famous for its [景点特色,如自然风光、历史文化等]. What is more, the local culture is rich and diverse, offering a unique experience for travelers. The cuisine is delightful, and the hospitality of the locals is exceptional. Finally, this destination will definitely leave you with beautiful memories and a deeper understanding of [相关文化或历史].

Therefore, I don\’t hesitate to recommend [地点名] to you. I am sure you will enjoy your trip and find it enriching.

Yours sincerely,

[您的姓名] 𝓐𝗜𝐱𝒵𝐳𝔰.𝓒𝓞𝑴



1. 表明写作意图:推荐一位值得信赖的同事或朋友。

2. 介绍被推荐人的情况:能力、性格、成就等。

3. 总结说明推荐原因。


Dear [收信人姓名],

I am writing to you to recommend [被推荐人姓名], who has been a close colleague/friend of mine for many years. I have had the pleasure of working closely with him/her and I can confidently say that he/she is an exceptional individual.


During our time working together, [被推荐人姓名] has demonstrated exceptional skills and a strong work ethic. He/She has a positive attitude and is always willing to go the extra mile to help others. His/Her contributions to our team have been invaluable and have significantly impacted our success.

Therefore, I have no reservation in recommending [被推荐人姓名] for any opportunity that comes his/her way. I am confident that he/she will be a valuable asset to any organization or project.

Yours sincerely,



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