




Good morning, teachers and fellow students. My name is Li Hua. I am 16 years old and I come from Beijing. I have just transferred to this high school and I am excited to be a part of this diverse and vibrant community.

I have always been passionate about learning, and I enjoy challenges. My favorite subjects are mathematics and English. I find mathematics to be a fascinating subject that allows me to think logically and solve problems. English, on the other hand, helps me to communicate with people from different cultures and learn about their traditions and customs.

In my spare time, I enjoy reading books, playing basketball, and volunteering at the local community center. I believe that reading not only enriches my knowledge but also broadens my perspective. Basketball, on the other hand, keeps me physically fit and teaches me the importance of teamwork. Volunteering, on the other hand, gives me a sense of fulfillment and helps me to contribute to society.

I am looking forward to making new friends and learning from my new classmates. I hope that I can also contribute to the school community and make a positive impact on the lives of others.


Hello, everyone. My name is Wang Fang. I am 17 years old and I come from Shanghai. I am excited to start my high school journey at this prestigious institution.

I am a curious and inquisitive person. I have a strong interest in science, particularly physics and chemistry. I enjoy conducting experiments and discovering new things. I believe that science is a key to understanding the world around us.

In addition to academics, I am also passionate about music. I have been learning to play the piano for over ten years and I enjoy performing in front of an audience. Music has always been a source of inspiration and joy for me.

I am a responsible and dedicated student. I always strive to do my best and I am not afraid of challenges. I am also a friendly and outgoing person, and I enjoy meeting new people and learning about their cultures.

I am looking forward to the next few years at this school. I hope to make new friends, learn new things, and grow both academically and personally.


Hi, everyone. My name is Zhang Wei. I am 16 years old and I come from Guangzhou. I am thrilled to be a part of this high school and I am eager to learn and grow here.

I am a curious and creative person. I enjoy exploring new ideas and trying new things. My favorite subjects are art and literature. I find art to be a powerful means of expression and literature to be a rich source of inspiration.

In my spare time, I enjoy drawing, writing, and traveling. Drawing helps me to relax and express my creativity. Writing allows me to express my thoughts and emotions. Traveling, on the other hand, gives me the opportunity to explore new places and meet new people.

I am a friendly and approachable person. I enjoy meeting new people and learning about their cultures and experiences. I believe that everyone has something unique to offer, and I am excited to learn from my new classmates.


Hello, everyone. My name is Li Ming. I am 17 years old and I come from Shenzhen. I am excited to join this high school and I am looking forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

I am a determined and ambitious person. I have always set high goals for myself and I am not afraid of hard work. My favorite subjects are mathematics and computer science. I enjoy solving complex problems and finding innovative solutions.

In my free time, I enjoy playing video games, programming, and reading about technology. I find video games to be a fun and engaging way to relax and unwind. Programming allows me to apply my knowledge and skills in a practical way. Reading about technology, on the other hand, keeps me informed about the latest advancements and trends.

I am a sociable and outgoing person. I enjoy meeting new people and making friends. I am also a good team player and I believe that collaboration is key to success.


Hi, everyone. My name is Zhao Yu. I am 16 years old and I come from Chengdu. I am delighted to be a part of this high school and I am eager to embrace the new challenges and experiences.

I am an enthusiastic and adventurous person. I enjoy trying new things and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. My favorite subjects are history and geography. I find history to be a fascinating subject that teaches us about the past and helps us to understand the present. Geography, on the other hand, allows me to learn about different places and cultures.

In my leisure time, I enjoy hiking, photography, and learning about different cultures. Hiking allows me to appreciate the beauty of nature and photography helps me to capture those moments. Learning about different cultures, on the other hand, broadens my horizons and enriches my life.

I am a friendly and easygoing person. I enjoy meeting new people and learning about their cultures and experiences. I believe that we can all learn from each other and grow together.


Hello, everyone. My name is Sun Li. I am 17 years old and I come from Xian. I am thrilled to be a part of this high school and I am looking forward to the new experiences and opportunities that await me. 𝐚𝒾𝐱𝕫𝓩𝓈.𝓬𝒪𝗠

I am a curious and inquisitive person. I have a strong interest in biology and chemistry. I enjoy conducting experiments and discovering new things. I believe that science is a powerful tool that can help us to solve many of the world\’s problems.

In my spare time, I enjoy reading, painting, and playing the guitar. Reading allows me to learn new things and escape into different worlds. Painting helps me to express my creativity and relax. Playing the guitar, on the other hand, is a fun and rewarding way to spend my time.

I am a friendly and outgoing person. I enjoy meeting new people and making friends. I am also a responsible and dedicated student, and I am eager to make the most of my time at this school.

These are just a few examples of how you can introduce yourself in English. Remember to be confident and speak clearly. Good luck!


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