


正文: 𝒶𝒾𝓍𝐳𝑧𝒮.𝓒𝑶𝓜


Good morning/afternoon, esteemed interviewers. My name is [Your Name], and I am deeply honored to have the opportunity to introduce myself to you today. As a prospective university student, I am eager to embark on a new journey of academic and personal growth, and I believe that [University Name] is the perfect place for me to achieve my goals.

First and foremost, allow me to share a bit about my educational background. I have spent the past three years at [High School Name], where I have been fortunate to receive a well-rounded education. My academic performance has been consistently strong, particularly in subjects such as mathematics, science, and English. I have always been passionate about learning, and I believe that my dedication and hard work have prepared me well for the challenges of university life.

In terms of my extracurricular activities, I have been actively involved in a variety of clubs and organizations. One of my proudest achievements was serving as the president of the [Club/Organization Name] for two years. Through this role, I honed my leadership skills, learned the importance of teamwork, and discovered the value of perseverance in the face of challenges. I also volunteered at a local charity, where I helped raise funds for underprivileged children. This experience taught me the importance of empathy and the power of giving back to the community.

Now, let me tell you a bit about my interests and hobbies. I am an avid reader, and I enjoy exploring different genres of literature, from classic novels to contemporary poetry. Reading has not only broadened my vocabulary and improved my writing skills, but it has also allowed me to gain new perspectives on the world around me. Additionally, I am passionate about sports, particularly basketball and football. I have been playing these sports since my childhood, and they have taught me the importance of discipline, teamwork, and determination.

As I consider my future career aspirations, I am particularly interested in the field of [Your Chosen Field]. I am fascinated by the challenges and opportunities that this field presents, and I am confident that my academic background and personal experiences have prepared me well for a career in this area. I am excited to learn from the esteemed faculty at [University Name] and to contribute my own unique perspectives and ideas to the academic community.

One of the reasons I am particularly drawn to [University Name] is its reputation for excellence in [Your Chosen Field]. I have researched the university extensively and have been impressed by the quality of its academic programs, the expertise of its faculty, and the vibrant campus culture. I am confident that [University Name] will provide me with the resources and support I need to succeed both academically and personally.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to share my story with you today. I am eager to join the [University Name] community and to contribute my unique perspectives and experiences to the academic and social environment. I am confident that my passion for learning, my dedication to personal growth, and my commitment to making a positive impact on the world around me will make me a valuable asset to this university.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the possibility of joining the [University Name] family.


1. 开场白要简洁明了,尽快引起面试官的注意。

2. 介绍自己的教育背景、兴趣爱好和成就时,要具体、真实,不要夸大其词。

3. 在谈论未来职业规划时,要表现出自己的热情和决心。

4. 结尾部分要表达出对加入该大学的渴望和对未来的展望。


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