



一、自我介绍的基本要素 𝑎𝒾𝙓𝗓𝗭𝐬.𝒸𝕠𝓜

1. 打招呼:Hello, everyone! 或 Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen!

2. 介绍姓名:My name is [Your Name],or you can call me [Your Nickname] if you like.

3. 来自哪里:I come from [Your Hometown/City/Country],a beautiful place known for [Something Special about Your Hometown/City/Country].

4. 学习专业:I am currently studying [Your Major] at [Your University], and I have been doing this for [Number of Years] years.

5. 兴趣爱好:In my spare time, I enjoy [Your Hobbies], such as [List Some Hobbies]. I also like [Another Hobby], which helps me to [Something Positive about the Hobby].

6. 性格特点:As for my personality, I am [Adjective] and [Adjective]. I always try to be [Adjective] in my studies and life.

7. 结尾:Thank you for your attention. I hope to get to know all of you and have a great time together.


1. 范文一:

Hello, everyone! My name is Li Hua, and you can call me Leo. I come from Beijing, the capital of China, a city famous for its rich history and vibrant culture.

I am currently studying Computer Science at Tsinghua University, and I have been doing this for three years. I am fascinated by the world of technology and the endless possibilities it offers. In my spare time, I enjoy programming, solving puzzles, and playing video games. I also like reading books about artificial intelligence, which helps me to broaden my knowledge and stay updated with the latest trends in technology.

As for my personality, I am outgoing and optimistic. I always try to be proactive in my studies and life. I believe that a positive attitude is the key to success. I am also a good listener and enjoy helping others when they need it.

Thank you for your attention. I hope to get to know all of you and have a great time together.

2. 范文二:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! My name is Zhang Wei, and I come from Shanghai, a bustling metropolis known for its modern skyline and historical landmarks.

I am currently studying International Trade and Economics at Fudan University. I have been doing this for two years, and I find it to be a challenging but rewarding field. In my spare time, I enjoy playing basketball, watching movies, and traveling. I also like learning about different cultures, which helps me to better understand the world we live in.

When it comes to my personality, I am diligent and adaptable. I always try to be punctual and organized in my studies and life. I believe that hard work pays off, and I am always eager to learn new things. I am also a people-person and enjoy meeting new friends from different backgrounds.

Thank you for your attention. I hope to get to know all of you and have a wonderful experience together.

3. 范文三:

Good evening, everyone! My name is Wang Meiling, and you can call me Melody. I come from Guangzhou, a city in southern China known for its delicious cuisine and vibrant nightlife.

I am currently studying English Literature at Sun Yat-sen University. I have been doing this for four years, and I am passionate about the beauty of language and literature. In my spare time, I enjoy writing, painting, and playing the piano. I also like exploring different genres of music, which helps me to appreciate the diversity of art.

As for my personality, I am introverted and thoughtful. I always try to be patient and understanding in my studies and life. I believe that everyone has their own unique story to tell, and I am curious to learn about others\’ experiences. I am also a good observer and enjoy analyzing human behavior.

Thank you for your attention. I hope to get to know all of you and share my passion for literature and art with you.



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